Ai website generator

Create a website design in seconds

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Build a website with ai

No code

Gone are the days of learning complicated languages

No drag and drop

Say goodbye to mastering yet another drag-and-drop user interface

Easy to build

Simply describe what you want, it's that easy!

Website design Website ideas how to design a website

One page, modern designs

Whether you're creating a site for personal use or for your small business, our tool creates the best sites from scratch. Want a website for your portfolio, wedding, real estate agency, blog or anything in between? Just ask the tool and it will generate examples and templates for you in mere moments.

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Custom website development

Do you need something a bit more complicated? Not able to generate exactly what you want? Our Standard plan offers these services

  • Custom website
  • Domain and email setup
  • Server setup and maintenance
View Pricing
modern website designs

Why Choose

We're here for you! We support you along the way to make your vision a reality


Get inspiration by requesting random designs


With any of our plans, we provide hosting services for your generated sites


We setup your domain name, email and your website on our servers, no technical knowledge required


Anyone can make a site with this tool


It's true, artificial intelligence doesn't always get it just right. In those situations, we can make the site for you


For DIYers, we offer a simple one click export to .html that can easily be imported to your server

Choose a Plan

We offer competitive pricing for great value


In and out (pay once)

  • Create 50 websites with the ai website builder
  • 10 exports
  • We host what you generated
  • We manage your domain name
  • We setup your email
  • We setup & maintain your server
  • We can build the site for you
  • E-commerce & SEO


Go-getter (per month)

  • Create 125 websites with the ai website builder per month
  • 25 exports per month
  • We host what you generated
  • We manage your domain name
  • We setup your email
  • We setup & maintain your server
  • We can build the site for you
  • E-commerce & SEO

Contact us

Champion (est. required)

  • Create X websites with the ai website builder per month
  • X exports per month
  • We host what you generated
  • We manage your domain name
  • We setup your email
  • We setup & maintain your server
  • We can build the site for you
  • E-commerce & SEO

Generated website examples

Portfolio website examples Wedding website examples
How to host a website

Your instructions: Company website, the name of the company is Soft Tech Corp. The company name should be at the top middle of the page. Slogan under the company name in smaller text is the best of the best. All text should have a black outline and white on the inside. There should be 4 sections at the top that scrolls you to the section of the page when you click them. The sections are Home, About, Services and Contact. In the About section, You should have Maria, Dave and Nick. It should show an image of them with a random description underneath them. The services section should be a paragraph of what we do. Come up with something random. The contacts section should be 613-555-0123, and my socials is Here you would put the links of all your images.

Landing page

Information about your business

How to code a website

Your instructions: Text input where you can put a stock symbol. Then it will show the ticker information and a chart of the stock for the last 24 hours. Have buttons to see for last week , 1 month, 6 months and max. Note: this site required an api to get this working (the ai decided to use and it told you that it was a link of interest). You then needed to create a key on that site and tell the ai to replace the key with yours.

Stocks website

Get live stock quotes

how to create website

Your instructions: 3 day forecast, starting from sunday. Drop down list of towns to select from. They should be in a box side by side. Note: this site required an api to get this working (the ai decided to use and it tells you that it's a site of interest). You then needed to create an account and key on that site and tell the ai to replace the key with yours.


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